How To Help An Acid And Chemical Attack Victim

How To Help An Acid And Chemical Attack Victim

How To Help Acid Attack Victim: Just 17 years old school students girl was attacked with acid in Delhi’s Dwarka. The victim is being treated at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi. But our question is that whenever we hear such news or see it on TV, we definitely go under the shadow of fear from inside. Many types of questions start coming in mind. Nowadays it is the era of digital media, so just heard such news and started searching on Google that what happens in acid attack? What to do if there is an acid attack? Hundreds of such questions start roaming in the heart and mind.

Today we will try to give you answers to some extent of the same questions. Through this article, today we will talk about what to do immediately if someone gets burnt due to acid attack or any dangerous chemical, so that how to avoid burning sensation and skin infection.

Acid attacks are increasing every year in countries like India. Recently ‘Acid Survivors Foundation India’ (ASFI) has published a report. In which it has been told that more than 800 cases of acid attack have been registered in the last five years. On an average, 100 to 500 acid attack cases are reported in India every year. According to the report of ‘Acid Attack Human Rights’, if the acid attack victim does not get timely treatment, she may suffer from blindness to many other dangerous diseases. After an acid attack, the life of a victim changes completely. If the acid attack victim remains alive, then this fight is not just for one day, she has to fight like a superhero with her own body and the whole society for the whole life.

What should be done immediately after acid attack?

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wash the burn area with clean and saline water

Wash the place where acid is burnt with water first. Keep in mind that do not wash with dirty water even by mistake because it increases the risk of skin infection on the face. That’s why whenever you wash, wash it with clean and salt water only, because there is no risk of infection.

If the eyes are also affected in acid attack, do not rub them at all.

If any person has been attacked with acid and if it has affected the eyes as well, then first of all do one thing. Prevent the victim from rubbing the eyes as this may make the condition worse. To reduce irritation, hit water slowly on the eyes.

Take off any jewelry you are wearing

If you are wearing gold in an acid-burnt area, take it off first. Because it will increase your risk of skin infection at any time.

Use sterilized gauze to protect the skin from any kind of infection or dirt. So that the acid attack victim can be treated quickly, call an ambulance. And take him to the hospital immediately. To contact the nearest hospital, dial 102/108 in the nearest hospital.

What not to do in case of burn acid attack or chemical attack victim

Do not apply any cream, ointment, toothpaste, oil or butter on the burnt area.

Do not wash with cold water or ice.

Do not touch open blisters.

Do not remove any cloth stuck to the burnt area.

Acid attack wounds last for a long time

Acid attack wounds can prove to be dangerous in the long run, because the acid is so strong that it can even melt your bone. That’s why the wounds caused by this remain serious for a long time. And they get cured only after a long time. You will be surprised to know that there is a risk of serious skin infection after getting burnt with acid or chemical.

it can damage your lungs

Acid is so dangerous that it can even affect a person’s breathing tube. It can even damage both the lungs. Can cause inflammation in the lungs. Even after days and months of the attack, if the victim is not taken care of properly, then the patient is at risk of serious infection and can also be the cause of death.

social mindset

Due to the small mentality of the society, the acid attack victim has to face a lot. The victim has a severe impact on her self-esteem due to social stigma, social isolation and psychological trauma.

Many NGO’s are working in this field.

Many NGOs in India provide financial assistance as well as psychological treatment to acid attack survivors so that they can overcome this difficult time.

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